Centres are able to request the development of a new unit by submitting a completed Initial New Unit Development form.

A member of Agored Cymru’s Curriculum Development team will assess the need and appropriateness of the proposal and confirm by email. The confirmation to proceed will also include the associated costs which will need to be agreed by the designated centre contact.

Initial Feedback

We will carry out an initial scrutiny of the proposed new unit and give our feedback. 

This feedback will need to be addressed before resubmitting the unit for approval.


Readers Feedback

Once the initial unit meets the required compliancy standards, the unit is sent to obtain further feedback.

We will discuss and agree any feedback with the centre before the unit is sent for approval.

Unit Approval

Once the iterative process has been completed the unit will be allocated a code and added to the centre framework.

Further Information

Contact new.units@agored.cymru