What is Multiply? Multiply is a new government backed programme aimed to transform the lives of adults across the UK, delivered through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The programme will help adults improve their confidence with numeracy skills in everyday life. Local Authorities are responsible for granting funding for the Multiply programme.

Who is eligible?

The funding is available to learners who:

  • are 19 years and over
  • have not achieved a GCSE in maths at grade C (or equivalent).


What can be used as accreditation to support the Multiply project?

It’s important to remember that whatever units are used they have to meet the criteria stipulated by the authority that is granting the funding as this will be different for each.

We know the difficulties in attracting new learners when there is an element of assessment involved, so this is where the flexibility of Agored Cymru units can be utilised by getting creative and using the skills learnt to demonstrate the numeracy elements required by the programme.

Examples of units used include:


Lots of Agored Cymru centres are already delivering courses that are funded by the Multiply programme. Get in touch to see how Agored Cymru can support you – businessdevelopment@agored.cymru

For more information on Multiply visit - https://educationhub.blog.gov.uk/2021/10/27/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-new-multiply-programme/