Agored Cymru Level 3 Diploma in Speech & Language Therapy Support (Wales)

QW Approval/Designation No: C00/1190/2

Total credits required: 60

Guided learning hours (GLH): 345

Total qualification time (TQT): 600 hours

Lower age restriction: 16

Standard Qualification Fee: £210.00

Review date: 31/07/2025

Operational Start Date: 01/06/2017

For performance points and threshold: click here

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Additional Information

This qualification and the units within it are only suitable for learners who are working or are planning to work within a healthcare setting.  Before this qualification can be approved into your framework, additional quality assurance checks will be carried out to confirm the suitability of the qualification for your learners, as well as confirming that staff have the relevant competencies to deliver, assess and quality assure across units within the qualification.  If you would like further guidance, please contact CentreSupport@Agored.Cymru

All qualifications that assess occupational competency for vocational areas within sectors 1.2 and 1.3 must adhere to the Skills for Health Assessment Principles for Qualifications that Assess Occupational Competence


This qualification sits within an apprenticeship framework

Healthcare – Therapies


qualification guide Qualification Guide

File Icon Level Descriptor Guidelines

Unit Achievement Groups

Group A – Mandatory

Minimum credits required: 21
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Group B – Optional

Minimum credits required: 10
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Group C – Optional

Minimum credits required: 29
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