At Agored Cymru we are committed to supporting our centres to provide the best service possible to their learners. To ensure this happens we have certain quality assurance checks we must undertake before your organisation can become an Agored Cymru approved centre. Before starting our Centre Approval process please consider the information below.
Quality Assurance
- All centres are responsible and accountable for their quality assurance.
- Centres must have capacity to manage quality assurance; this includes assessment of learners and internal quality assurance.
- Centres must have an individual(s) who is competent to complete internal quality assurance checks (or is willing to undertake training).
- Centres must have policies/strategies in place that cover the following areas:
- Equality and Diversity – this may also include links to other policies such as disability discrimination etc
- Safeguarding – this could include DBS Health and Safety, Child Protection etc
- Assessment
- Internal quality assurance
- Fair Assessment
- Appeals
- Complaints
- Malpractice and maladministration – this could link to other associated policies such as plagiarism
- Data Protection – or statement
- Welsh Language
- Conflict of interest
If this is not currently the case you will be asked to prepare policies in these areas to enable your centre approval application to progress.
- You must ensure sufficient budget to gain and maintain Agored Cymru centre status and all associated accreditation costs.
- If you are accessing funding to gain centre approval, you must be able to provide evidence of the funding to Agored Cymru.
The centre approval process will review your management systems, staff and resources (both physical and financial) to determine your ability to deliver, assess and quality assure across Agored Cymru unit(s)/qualification(s). Evidence to support this will be requested by our team.
For more information or if you would like to discuss applying for centre approval, please contact