Methu â dod o hyd i'r math priodol o ddigwyddiad neu hyfforddiant? Cysylltwch â ni gyda maes datblygu sy'n bwysig i chi a byddwn yn ymchwilio iddo.

Hyfforddiant a DPP

Dyfarniad Lefel 4 mewn Deall y gwaith o Sicrhau Ansawdd Prosesau ac Arferion Asesu yn Fewnol

Dydd Mercher 06/10/2021
09:30 - 12:30
Lleoedd ar gael:


Bydd pob sesiwn yn cael ei chynnal ar-lein ar Microdoft Teams

Sesiwn 1 - Dydd Mercher 6ed Hydref 9:30am-12:30pm

Sesiwn 2 - Dydd Iau 7fed Hydref 9.30am-12.30pm

Sesiwn 3 - Dydd Mercher 13eg Hydref 9.30am-12.30pm

Sesiwn 4 - Dydd Iau 14eg Hydref 9.30am-12.30pm

Understanding the Principles and Practices of Internally Quality Assuring the Quality of Assessment is for practitioners who conduct internal quality assurance of the assessment process within a centre or organisation. This will include sample planning, monitoring assessors, advising and supporting assessors, conducting IQA activities, talking to learners and witnesses, and maintaining records.

To achieve this unit, learners must complete the unit Level 4 Understanding the principles and practices of assessment (6 credits) GB84CY002.

The course will be delivered on-line and over 4 half days. It is expected that you carry out an element of self-study to complete a written assignment . You will be formally assessed and receive feedback regarding your progress. N.B. All sessions must be attended.

It is recommended that learners hold one of the following qualifications prior to enrolling on the above unit.

  • Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement, or similar
  • A1 Assess candidate performance using a range of methods
  • D32/D33 Assess candidates’ performance/assess candidates using a different range of methods
  • Current and sufficient experience of assessment/internal quality assurance for any awarding organisation (current – within the last 2 years).

Progression opportunity

(Please note: Booking onto this event confirms you have booked onto the knowledge-based unit Level 4 Understanding the Principles and Practices of Internally Quality Assuring the Quality of Assessment GB84CY002 ONLY.)

Following completion of the Understanding the Principles and Practices of Internally Quality Assuring the Quality of Assessment GB84CY002 unit, you have the opportunity to achieve the unit Internally Assure the Quality of Assessment GB84CY003. (Please note, access to learners is required for this unit.)

Achievement of both units allows you to gain the Agored Cymru Level 4 Award in Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice.

If you would like to complete both units you will need to notify once you have booked on. You will also be required to attend a one-hour introductory session with your assessor. It is anticipated that this will take place after session 1 of 4 of the knowledge base unit.

Cefndir yr Arweinydd Digwyddiad

Donna Hooper

Mae Donna Hooper wedi gweithio am ddeunaw mlynedd yn y sector addysg. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw mae wedi gweithio mewn sawl rôl a oedd yn canolbwyntio ar gyflwyno, asesu a sicrhau ansawdd. Yn ogystal â chyflwyno i fyfyrwyr yn y maes Dysgu Oedolion yn y Gymuned, mae Donna wedi dangos ei hymrwymiad i wella addysg i bawb drwy gyflwyno sesiynau DPP, ar amrywiaeth o destunau, i staff a chydweithwyr proffesiynol.
Darllen mwy

Telerau ac Amodau