Essential Digital Literacy is about knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours in the use of digital devices.

There are five strands to Essential Digital Literacy from Entry 1- Level 3

  • Digital Responsibility- knowing how to stay safe and act appropriately online
  • Digital Productivity – knowing which technologies, tools and techniques to use and how to organise, share and protect digital information
  • Digital Information Literacy- being able to find, critically evaluate and use digital information safely
  • Digital Collaboration- sharing knowledge and collaborating with others to complete tasks and solve problems
  • Digital Creativity- Being able to use digital media to complete tasks, generate content and develop opportunities

In order to gain the Essential Digital Literacy Skills qualification, learners must demonstrate their skills in a controlled task which includes a structured discussion.

The controlled tasks are pre- set and available in a variety of contexts.  There is an opportunity for centres to create their own controlled tasks, particularly for learners working within a specific industry or sector. If you would like more information on creating controlled tasks for your sector/centre please contact Judith Archer

Candidates have a limited time to complete the tasks according to the level:


Controlled Task

Entry 1-3

6 hours


4 hours


5 hours


8 hours

The Essential Skills Wales Qualification Handbook provides details on how the tasks and tests are to be administered.

Sample controlled tasks are available here.

These sample assessment materials have been developed jointly by the four Essential Skills awarding bodies (Agored Cymru, City & Guilds, Pearson and WJEC).

For further details, and to add the qualifications to your framework, please follow the links below:

Agored Cymru Level 1 Essential Digital Literacy Skills C00/0746/2
Agored Cymru Level 2 Essential Digital Literacy Skills C00/0746/3
Agored Cymru Level 3 Essential Digital Literacy Skills C00/0746/4
Agored Cymru Entry Level Essential Digital Literacy Skills (Entry 1) C00/0746/8
Agored Cymru Entry Level Essential Digital Literacy Skills (Entry 2) C00/0746/9
Agored Cymru Entry Level Essential Digital Literacy Skills (Entry 3) C00/0747/0