Essential Skills Wales
Essential Skills for Learners
learners by offering the full suite of Essential Skills Wales Qualifications from Entry Level 1 to Level 3. Essential Application of Number Skills (EAoNS) Essential Communication Skills (ECommS) Essential Digital Literacy Skills (ED... Go to page
Essential Skills Wales
Essential Skills Wales Our Essential Skills qualifications range from Entry Level 1 to Level 3. The higher level qualifications sit within all apprenticeship frameworks. Agored Cymrus strength is our expertise in this area. We can p... Go to page
Qualifications and Accreditation
Cymru if you are planning to use the Essential Skills Wales qualifications within your secondary school. Pupils must undertake the GCSE Maths Numeracy and English Language qualifications if they are able. Learning Core Essenti... Go to page
a variety of different sectors. Essential Skills Wales Qualifications Agored Cymrus Essential Skills Wales Qualifications are the perfect accompaniment to our apprenticeship qualifications. The full suite of Essential Skills Qua... Go to page
Become a Centre
Become an Essential Skills Wales Centre Seven steps to adding Agored Cymru Essential Skills Wales Qualifications to your framework. Step 1 Contact ourBusiness Development teamto discuss the options available to you and our charg... Go to page
Education Apprenticeships Essential Skills Wales Exploring Vocations Qualifications Vocational Qualifications - Search our database for the qualification subject you need Vocational Lifelong Learning - Search our d... Go to page
Assessor and Internal Quality Assurance Training - Autumn 2024
These sessions are essential for enhancing your teams skills and expertise in these areas, as well as for personal professional development. Click here to read the update in [Welsh | English]... Go to news item
Qualification, Quality Assurance and Training Update - Sept 2024
This edition includes updates on new and withdrawn qualifications, vital quality assurance resources, training opportunities, and key dates for upcoming events. We hope you find it helpful as you continue supporting your learners. A... Go to news item
'Ready Already' for the New Curriculum in Wales - Summer Newsletter 2024
Reforming for the Future, The Benefits of the Agored Cymru Learning Core to Your Learners, How the Learning Core Can Boost Your Capped 9 Score. Read the full newsletter:Cymraeg|English
'Ready Already' for the New Curriculum in Wales - Summer Newsletter 2024
Reforming for the Future, The Benefits of the Agored Cymru Learning Core to Your Learners, How the Learning Core Can Boost Your Capped 9 Score. Read the full newsletter:Cymraeg|English
'Ready Already' for the New Curriculum in Wales - Summer Newsletter 2024
Reforming for the Future, The Benefits of the Agored Cymru Learning Core to Your Learners, How the Learning Core Can Boost Your Capped 9 Score. Read the full newsletter:Cymraeg|English
Assessment Adaptation Guidance 2020-2021 - Essential Skills for Work and Life
Case Studies
17-year-old Cory was on track to get a handful of GCSEs at his comprehensive school when an accident and time off school meant he fell behind.
By Year 11, 17-year-old Cory’s attendance rates were poor and meant he did not achieve the GCSE grades he needed. “I was accepted onto a Level 2 course to do sport in college, and was chosen to play rugby for the college academy” he explain... Go to case study
Moving Forward qualification has helped 16-year-old Paige Williams prepare for life in the Armed Services
Paige, a 16-year-old pupil at Morriston Comprehensive School in Swansea is doing a mix of GCSEs, Welsh Baccalaureate, Hairdressing and qualifications in Hospitality and Health and Social Care.
... Go to case study
“Starting the Access course was one of my best decisions”
Originally from Kurdistan, Northern Iraq, Shokhan Hasan moved to the UK in August 2010 to get married. As an Anaesthetic Nurse in Kurdistan, Shokhan moved to Cardiff. Speaking only Kurdish, Shokhan was determined to learn English initially,... Go to case study
Cardiff project wins Inspire! Award for supporting families to learn together
A ‘family-learning’ programme that aims to engage and foster positive attitudes towards education has won a major award. The Families Learning Together Programme at Cardiff and Vale College delivers a wide range of courses for adults and pa... Go to case study
MFL Mentoring
MFL Mentoring has been offering two vocational accreditation units certified by Agored Cymru to its student mentors for the past four years. The accreditation has been designed by the project team in collaboration with Agored Cymru, past m... Go to case study
Double award-winning learner hails Access to HE diploma as key to her success
“I still can't quite believe I won!” ~~ Kelly Osborne, a Grwp Llandrillo Menai - Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, student has been awarded this year’s Agored Cymru Learner of the Year Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement as well as the national... Go to case study