


Thinking Personal Performance vocational Competency and Technical Knowledge The technical side of employability is the development of the vocational skills needed to perform a specialist task. These skills will define the job... Go to page

Essential Skills for Work and Life

can choose units to support their vocational or academic programme. Teachers can work on the digital literacy skills they need to maintain currency and develop practice. Guidance Materials To support the delivery of these un... Go to page

Exploring Vocations Qualifications

to gain employment or progress onto vocational qualifications at a higher level. Qualification Structure These qualifications are at Entry Level 1 and Entry Level 2 There are 5 qualification sizes, Award, Extended Awa... Go to page

Work Related Education

such as apprenticeshipsand other vocational qualifications. Qualification Structure Learners can study from EntryOne to Level Two. There are 5 qualification sizes Award, Extended Award, Certificate, Extended Certif... Go to page

Vision, Mission and Values

ambition to open up opportunities for vocational progression and personal and social development; A commitment to ethical business practices; A commitment to the promotion of Welsh language and culture; A commitment to developing i... Go to page

Delivery of VTQ Results

the delivery of timely results for vocational and technical qualifications. Please contact us should you have any queries about the above. We are happy to hear from you. Qualifications in scope List of vocational and Te... Go to page

Case Studies

MFL Mentoring

MFL Mentoring has been offering two vocational accreditation units certified by Agored Cymru to its student mentors for the past four years. The accreditation has been designed by the project team in collaboration with Agored Cymru, past m... Go to case study