
To promote lifelong learning in Wales.


Mission Statement

Agored Cymru is a charitable trust and social enterprise which works in partnership to promote learning, widen opportunity and enable progression.

As an awarding organisation, Agored Cymru is committed to recognising learner achievement through credit and qualifications which are flexible and responsive to the needs of individuals and communities in Wales.


Strategic Aims

The following strategic aims were agreed in autumn 2009, refined from a longer list agreed with members as part of the change process.

  1. Work in partnership to take forward the educational agenda in Wales in the interest of learners.
  2. Establish Agored Cymru as the awarding organisation of choice to respond to the social and economic priorities, opportunities and challenges in Wales.
  3. Establish Agored Cymru as a sustainable social enterprise


Values Statement

The mission and vision are anchored in the following core values:

Agored Cymru has:

  • A belief in the entitlement of people to gain recognition for their achievements in learning and to fulfil their potential;
  • Respect and value diversity – in learners and learning approaches, partners and settings;
  • A passion to make a difference to individuals, groups and communities;
  • An ambition to open up opportunities for vocational progression and personal and social development;
  • A commitment to ethical business practices;
  • A commitment to the promotion of Welsh language and culture;
  • A commitment to developing its own highly skilled workforce in line with all the above values