Work Based Learning
Vocational Development
Vocational Development In addition to qualifications which have been structured to meet the requirements of the apprenticeship framework, we offer smaller qualifications which can be used flexibly to accommodate different working models... Go to page
GBVDASV Consultation Consultation for the Level 4 Training Syllabus of the Welsh Governments National Training Framework for Gender-based Violence, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence The Welsh Government has been consulting on a pro... Go to page
2022 - 2023
Charges 2022 - 2023 Mandatory charges for members Fee Notes Centre Approval for new centres 270.00 530.00 A non-refundable fee of 270 will be invoiced at the start of the Centre Approval process. 530 ... Go to page
Advice and Guidance
Advice and Guidance Here are some examples of the support we can offer your school. As an Agored Cymru recognised centre we can: Work with teachers and support staff to review lesson plans and resources (electronically or onsite) and... Go to page
Personal and Social Education
Personal and Social Education The qualifications meet the five different themes within the framework: active citizenship health and emotional well-being moral and spiritual development preparing for lifelong learning sustaina... Go to page
Wales Europe and the World
Wales, Europe and the World Our Window on Wales qualifications support the Welsh Governments Wales, Europe and the World: a framework for 14 to 19-year-old learners in Wales. The qualifications support young peoples learning across ... Go to page
Assessment Adaptation Guidance 2020-2021 - Learning Core Qualifications
Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure
Case Studies
Former Access to Higher Education Learner Achieves First-class Honours Degree in Midwifery
Mother of two and former Body Shop manager, Julia Fivash-Henderson from North Wales, graduated from Bangor University with a first-class honours degree in Midwifery after successfully gaining an Access to Higher Education Diploma in health ... Go to case study
Mum of three, Caroline Read, turned her life around after enrolling on an Access to Higher Education nursing course
After becoming a mum at a young age Caroline Read from South Wales, found herself suffering from depression and failing to find any ambition.... Go to case study
Access to HE provides father-of-two the opportunity to pursue a career in nursing
After leaving school at 13, with no qualifications, Jamie Maidment's life spiralled out of control. Jamie had suffered from mental health and substance abuse issues.... Go to case study
First-of-their-kind Qualifications for the Food and Drink Industries in Wales
In partnership with Lantra Wales and Creo Skills, and as part of the Welsh Government's Food and Skills Project, Agored Cymru has developed the the-first-of-their-kind qualifications for the food and drink and food production industries in ... Go to case study
Moving Forward qualification has helped 16-year-old Paige Williams prepare for life in the Armed Services
Paige, a 16-year-old pupil at Morriston Comprehensive School in Swansea is doing a mix of GCSEs, Welsh Baccalaureate, Hairdressing and qualifications in Hospitality and Health and Social Care.
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17-year-old Cory was on track to get a handful of GCSEs at his comprehensive school when an accident and time off school meant he fell behind.
By Year 11, 17-year-old Cory’s attendance rates were poor and meant he did not achieve the GCSE grades he needed. “I was accepted onto a Level 2 course to do sport in college, and was chosen to play rugby for the college academy” he explain... Go to case study