Keith Fletcher Award


Learner of the Year Awards

Agored Cymru Access to Higher Education Learner of the Year Awards Often, Access to Higher Education learners have overcome major challenges in their life to gain qualifications and fulfil their aspirations of going onto higher educatio... Go to page

Final Awards Board

Final Awards Board An Agored Cymru representative chairs Final Awards Boards to ensure that due process is followed. The Final Award Board will ensure that each learner has met the relevant rules of combination and the credit and gr... Go to page

About Us

About Us Unlike other awarding bodies, we are committed to developing talent in Wales, for Wales. As a registered charity and social enterprise, we are committed to ensuring that learners of all ages and abilities maximise their pot... Go to page


Centres Our qualifications are widely recognised, valued and respected by the education sector, training providers and employers. We offer over 6,000 units and 400 nationally recognised, quality assured, accredited qualifications ra... Go to page


Learners We develop units and qualifications that recognise learners achievements. Agored Cymru Unitsand Qualifications We have more than 6,000 units and 400 qualifications, in a range of subjects from Essential Skills to Clinical ... Go to page

External Quality Assurance

External Quality Assurance It also checks that learners have presented sufficient, valid evidence at the appropriate level to be awarded credit for units and qualifications. Agored Cymru is committed to implementing a robust, transp... Go to page


Case Studies