Down to Earth

One of our approved centres, that we are incredibly proud to be working with, is Down to Earth. Down to Earth is an innovative social enterprise tackling social inequality and climate change - one sustainable project at a time! Since opening over 15 years ago, they have worked with thousands of vulnerable and disadvantaged young people and adults, equipping them with skills and opportunities to change their lives for the better.

Down to Earth

They believe that even the hardest to reach people can excel given genuine and meaningful, practical, and sustainable activities benefitting both the Down to Earth family, the wider community and the environment.

These inclusive projects challenge and inspire participants. Individuals can collaborate, creating incredible outcomes building eco-friendly community and education centres. As one of over 250 approved Agored Cymru centres, Down to Earth offer accredited learning to almost all their participants.

With our collaboration, the centre is able to offer accredited outcomes for all of their participants - transforming the lives of the people (particularly the most vulnerable/disadvantaged) they work with.

With an extensive range of accessible Agored Cymru training and qualifications available, from essential skills to sustainability, Down to Earth provide units from the Agored Cymru Work Related Education qualifications and QALL units that best fit the learners. The participants are able to tailor their subjects and decide what would be of most value to them to develop.

One of the key projects Down to Earth are currently working on is with the Cardiff and Vale Health Charity at University Hospital Llandough. This project involves the design and development of an outdoor health care and rehabilitation facility.

Down to Earth are working with patients, the staff and local community in the design, construction and use of the flagship facility. There will be up to ten groups of 8-10 individuals a week working on the site known as ‘Our Health Meadow’, meaning 800 people will work to achieve Agored Cymru accredited qualifications covering land management, team management and woodland management, to provide an alternative healthcare facility. It is all about getting better by being in nature. 

Down to Earths innovative approach providing educational qualifications to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in our communities has been proven to make a meaningful difference in their lives.

Find out more about Down to Earth and the wonderful work they do by visiting their website:

If you would like to become an Agored Cymru approved centre please contact us at:

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