Lauretta Hughes
Health Care
Access to Higher Education Diploma - Health Care
Case Studies
Caerphilly mum who was inspired by cancer journey to become a nurse wins national award
Emma Hughes, a Coleg y Cymoedd student, has been awarded this year’s Agored Cymru Learner of the Year Award for Outstanding Commitment to Study. Our Learner of the Year awards celebrate the achievements of individuals who have completed Acc... Go to case study
“Age is no barrier. If you really want something, go for it – you can do it!”
Lorna Hughes didn’t always want to be a nurse. In fact, she read Languages at University and went on to work as a translator for many years. But, after becoming a mother and caring for her father, Lorna realised that there was something els... Go to case study
Agored Cymru's Access to Higher Education Diploma provides a 'gateway' to a new life for single-mother of five
to anything’, single mother of 5, Lauretta Hughes, defied the odds to become the Agored Cymru’s annual Access to Higher Education Learner of the Year Award for Outstanding Commitment to Study... Go to case study