Diploma Mynediad i Addysg Uwch (Celf a Chynllunio)

Canllaw Cymhwyster

1. Nodau

1.1 Nod y rhaglen yw paratoi dysgwyr ar gyfer astudio mewn prifysgol. Mae wedi’i anelu at y dysgwyr hynny sydd, oherwydd amgylchiadau cymdeithasol, addysgol neu unigol, heb lawer o gymwysterau, os o gwbl (MPD61a/62). Gall hyn gynnwys dysgwyr iau sydd wedi cael profiad sylweddol o fywyd ar ôl gadael addysg orfodol, grwpiau heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol mewn addysg uwch a’r rheini sydd ddim yn meddu ar y gofynion traddodiadol ar gyfer addysg uwch.  Wrth ennill Diploma Mynediad i Addysg Uwch, bydd dysgwyr yn meithrin yr hyder, yr wybodaeth a’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt i allu symud ymlaen i raglen addysg uwch ac i gyfranogi'n llwyddiannus yn rhaglen honno.

1.2 Bydd y Diploma Mynediad i Addysg Uwch hwn yn paratoi dysgwyr i fod yn annibynnol ac i weithio o'u pen a’u pastwn eu hunain mewn amgylchedd dysgu cefnogol, drwy ddarparu cyfleoedd iddynt ddatblygu sgiliau astudio a sgiliau rheoli amser. Caiff dysgwyr eu cyflwyno i amrywiaeth o feysydd pwnc academaidd sy'n berthnasol i'r rhaglen addysg uwch y maent am symud ymlaen ynddo neu byddant yn cael blas ar feysydd pwnc academaidd a fydd yn eu galluogi i wneud penderfyniadau cytbwys am lwybrau cynnydd posibl.  Bydd dysgwyr yn cael profiad o amryw o ddulliau asesu sy’n adlewyrchu'r rheini y byddant yn cael profiad ohonynt ar ôl symud ymlaen i addysg uwch. Yn gyffredinol, bydd dysgwyr yn cael budd o'r cyfle i feithrin yr wybodaeth a datblygu'r sgiliau sylfaenol perthnasol angenrheidiol y gellir ychwanegu atynt drwy astudiaeth bellach ym maes Addysg Uwch ac y gellir eu trosglwyddo i fyd gwaith. 

1.3 Nod y Diploma MAU hwn yw ehangu cyfranogiad a chynnig llwybr arall, mwy hyblyg i oedolion i AU drwy fabwysiadu strategaeth sy'n seiliedig ar feini prawf mynediad yr Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd (QAA) a drwy ystyried profiad bywyd a dysgu achrededig blaenorol.

1.4 Bwriad y Diploma MAU hwn yw paratoi dysgwyr ar gyfer astudio mewn sefydliad sy’n Darparu Addysg Uwch yn y DU, ond, er ei bod yn bosibl bod trefniadau partneriaeth a threfniadau ar gyfer cynnydd yn bodoli rhwng cyrsiau Mynediad i AU penodol a chyrsiau AU penodol, nid yw ennill y Diploma yn darparu sicrwydd y ceir mynediad i raglenni AU y DU (MPD61b).

2. Grwpiau Targed

2.1 The target groups are those who wish to pursue the range of progression outcomes addressed by the AHE Diploma (Art and Design) which include, but not restricted to those progression routes listed in section 7 (LC62b).

2.2 For those learners with work or care commitments, the blended learning modes of delivery may provide a more suitable option than full-time attendance, where this is made available by an approved centre.

3. Cynllun y Cwricwlwm

3.1 Mae'r Diploma MAU hwn yn glynu wrth fanyleb y Diploma Mynediad i Addysg Uwch, fel y nodir gan yr Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd ar gyfer Addysg Uwch (QAA). Mae pob Diploma MAU yn cynnwys cyfuniad o 45 credyd wedi'u graddio ar lefel 3 gyda chynnwys academaidd a 15 credyd heb eu graddio ar lefel 2 neu 3.

3.2 Enillir 45 credyd drwy gwblhau unedau gyda chynnwys academaidd sy’n berthnasol i deitl y Diploma yn llwyddiannus.  Caiff y rhain eu graddio ar lefel 3.

3.3 Lluniwyd y cwricwlwm mewn ymgynghoriad â darparwyr addysg uwch ac addysg bellach er mwyn darparu rhaglen astudiaeth gytbwys a chydlynol, gan ystyried yr angen i sicrhau cydymffurfiad ag arferion cyfredol o ran ysgrifennu unedau.

3.4 Defnyddiwyd disgrifiadau graddau yng nghyswllt unedau sydd â chynnwys academaidd, er mwyn gallu gwahaniaethu rhwng cyflawniad dysgwyr, (MPD62b)

3.5 Diben y Diploma Mynediad i AU hwn yw paratoi dysgwyr ar gyfer symud ymlaen i raglenni AU perthnasol (gweler 2.1) ac mae’n cynnwys deunydd academaidd sydd â’r nod o roi darlun cytbwys a chyfredol o'r prif feysydd sy'n gysylltiedig â'r maes astudiaeth dan sylw.

4. Adnoddau

4.1 Disgwylir i Ganolfannau ddangos bod y cyfleusterau a'r adnoddau ym mhob safle a fydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio i ddarparu’r Diploma MAU hwn yn briodol ar gyfer y dysgu y bwriedir ei gyflwyno ac o ran y gofynion asesu, gan gynnwys adnoddau cymorth dysgu a chyfleusterau ar gyfer dysgwyr MAU.

4.2 Mae’n rhaid i Ganolfannau ddangos fod yr ymarferwyr sy'n gyfrifol am ddarparu, asesu a sicrhau ansawdd mewnol y Diploma MAU hwn yn gallu dangos arbenigedd a chymwysterau perthnasol yn y meysydd pwnc sydd wedi'u cynnwys ynddo.

5. Strategaethau Asesu

Centres must comply with Agored Cymru policies when assessing the Access to Higher Education Diploma including:

  • reasonable adjustments
  • special considerations
  • recognition of prior learning
  • retention of assessment results
  • e-assessment
  • distance learning.

5.2  The assessment strategies to be used with AHE Diploma (Art and Design) ensures appropriate variety and reflect assessment methods associated with each area of study and where appropriate reflect those that are likely to be implemented in higher education (LC95 a - f). Centres must ensure that assessment design:

  • is appropriate for the method and medium of delivery
  • provides an appropriate level of academic demand
  • provides opportunities, appropriate to the mode of study, for learners to achieve the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit
  • provides opportunities for differentiation of performance consistent with the requirements of the grade descriptors
  • requires the demonstration of academic and practical skills
  • facilitates valid and reliable assessment of student performance. (LC95 a-f)

5.3 Assessment methods include:

  • Case studies
  • Academic posters
  • Essays
  • Group and individual presentations
  • Group debate
  • Evaluative reports
  • Role play
  • Creation of fact sheets or newspaper article or leaflets
  • Controlled assessments/examinations (open and closed book)
  • Portfolio.

Centres are responsible for maintaining accurate documentation to record assessment outcomes including assessment decisions, resubmissions and referrals.

5.4 ungraded units

The rules of combination specify the requirement for learners to achieve 15 credits that are ungraded. Where these units include assessment criteria designed to address communication and/or study skills, centres are responsible for devising assessment strategies that facilitate the assessment of relevant assessment criteria within the context of assessment activities carried out for academic graded units. Although this will require assessment tasks to incorporate criteria across multiple units, centres must ensure that records summarising the achievement of each individual graded and ungraded unit is produced separately and includes specific feedback to the learner relating to the unit specification.

5.5 Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

No more than 50% of the credit required for the award of an AHE Diploma may be awarded through RPL. RPL is a generic term for the processes used to recognise learning achieved outside of a named AHE Diploma. It can include the recognition of both experiential and certificated learning. Centres can claim RPL on behalf of learner in relation to specified credit within the named Diploma being followed by way of the presentation of agreed evidence of prior learning. Within the Agored Cymru AHE Diploma framework, the previous achievement of GCSEs in Mathematics at any grade will not be considered for RPL/credit exemption.

6. Sicrhau Ansawdd

All Access to Higher Education Diplomas will be quality assured in line with the requirements of current Agored Cymru quality assurance procedures including (LC92):

  • Internal quality assurance
  • External verification
  • Standardisation
  • Annual centre review
  • Annual centre self evaluation review (ASER)

6.1 Internal quality assurance

All AHE centres delivering the AHE Diploma (Art and Design) are responsible for planning and implementing internal quality assurance (IQA) procedures to ensure and demonstrate that  the AHE curriculum is being delivered and assessed in accordance with the approved AHE Diploma submission documentation and that it is organised in order to ensure that learners are able to meet the specified rules of combination and other completion requirements. 

IQA must be structured to enable an internal verification process that facilitates the scrutiny of assessment design, the implementation of assessment strategies and assessment decisions regarding the award of credit and grades in line with the QAA credit specification and grading scheme. Centres application of internal verification must facilitate:

  • the application of consistent standards of demand in assessment
  • assessment design which maximises reliability and validity in assessment outcomes
  • the assurance of the required standards in relation to the award of credits, grades and the AHE Diploma
  • the consistent and accurate application of QAA assessment regulations. (LC 102 a-c)

Internal verification must be carried out only by individuals and teams with appropriate expertise in IQA processes along with relevant subject knowledge related to the areas addressed by units within the Diploma characterised by academic subject content of graded units and skills and knowledge addressed by ungraded units.

The internal quality assurance process must ensure that the assessment is scheduled so it is reasonably manageable for learners and staff and is clearly communicated to learners at the beginning of the course.

6.2 External verification

Centres delivering the AHE Diploma (Art and Design) must accommodate any external verification activities implemented by Agored Cymru. External verification is the process by which the Agored Cymru will monitor the delivery of the AHE curriculum in line with the approved Diploma submission documentation and the specified rules of combination and ensure that assessment practices are carried in order to facilitate:

  • an appropriate level of academic challenge and demand
  • opportunities for differentiated performance in relation to the achievement of grades
  • opportunities to develop the academic skills and knowledge relevant to progression and the promotion of learning
  • opportunities for learners to demonstrate what they know, can do and understand
  • a clear basis against which assessors can determine achievement of learning outcomes, assessment criteria and grades

External verification will ensure:

  • that consistent standards are applied in assessment and that equivalent standards of achievement and performance are evident in all recommendations for credit and grades
  • that learners awarded the AHE Diploma (Art and Design) have completed the required learning to the required standard and that achievement is reflected in the grades awarded.
  • that centres delivering the AHE Diploma (Art and Design) are implementing a rigorous internal verification process that is in line with Agored  Cymru’s requirements. 

6.3 Standardisation

Agored Cymru facilitates annual standardisation activities between centres in order to inform and support EQA activities. Centres delivering the AHE Diploma (Art and Design)  are required to carry out internal standardisation processes across units, cohorts and sites of delivery. The aim of standardisation is to facilitate and enable the development of a consensus between practitioners regarding standards and the requirements for achievement in line with the QAA credit specification and grading scheme.

6.4 Annual centre review

An annual centre review will be carried out in order to evaluate all AHE Diplomas offered by individual approved centres in relation to curriculum delivery, the outcomes of EQA and outcomes for learners including registration, success rates, grading data and progression.

6.5 Annual self evaluation review (ASER)

Agored Cymru collects statistical data about AHE courses and learners according to a standard set of categories, including those required by QAA. The ASER enables this by providing a process through which centres apply their self assessment activities in order to report on the performance of the AHE Diploma. ASERs are required to make reference to the overall AHE provision offered by an approved centre, but must also analyse the distinctive features of individual AHE Diplomas and differentiate between their outcomes. 

6.6 Award of the AHE Diploma (Art and Design)

Centres approved to offer the AHE Diploma (Art and Design) must present the outcomes for all learners for whom the award of the named Diploma is to be recommended at a final awards board (FAB). Agored Cymru are responsible for facilitating the FAB and implementing effective procedures to confirm that all learners recommended for the award of the AHE Diploma (Art and Design)  have completed the required learning and achievement in line with the approved submission documentation, the QAA Diploma specification and grading scheme . In order to adequately prepare for FABs, centres are required to carry and internal awards board in order to internally verify learners’ completion status and to agree on the any special cases to be presented to the FAB.  Agored Cymru provides guidelines to inform the operation of internal awards boards and refer to them as pre-FABs.

7. Llwybrau Cynnydd

Access to Higher Education Diploma:

Higher education programme areas

Potential Higher Education Providers

Art and Design

Art Practice

Creative and Therapeutic Arts



Fine Arts

Art Practice (Environmental Art)

Art Practice (Community Art)

Art Practice (Health and Wellbeing), Design – Applied Arts.

BA Computer Game Design

BA Costume Design BA Fine Art Foundation Degree BA Fine Art Printmaking

BA Illustration

BA Stage and Prop Design

BA Ceramics and Jewellery

BA Digital Illustration

BA Digital Graphics

BA Fashion Design

BA Fine Art Painting, Drawing and Printmaking

BA Multi-disciplinary Art and Design

BA Photography

BA Sculpture

BA Contemporary Textiles

University of South Wales

University of Chester

Bangor University

University of Wales - Trinity St David’s

Glyndwr University

University of Bournemouth

University of Brighton

Cardiff Metropolitan University

Coleg Sir Gar

Coleg Menai/Grwp Llandrillo Menai

Falmouth University


8. Marchnata

8.1 Bydd Agored Cymru yn hyrwyddo'r ddarpariaeth Mynediad i Addysg Uwch yng Nghymru drwy gynhyrchu'r canlynol:

  • deunyddiau hyrwyddo MAU generig
  • deunyddiau canllaw ar gyfer darpar ddysgwyr MAU
  • canllawiau/deunyddiau hyrwyddo ar gyfer tiwtoriaid Derbyn AU
  • erthyglau/deunyddiau ar gyfer y cyfryngau.
  • cynhadledd flynyddol Mynediad i AU
  • gwobr flynyddol dysgwr Mynediad i AU

8.2 Bydd Agored Cymru yn ymgysylltu â'r grwpiau canlynol i hyrwyddo cymwysterau Mynediad i Addysg Uwch:

  • Llywodraeth Cymru
  • Darparwyr Addysg Uwch
  • Grwpiau Ehangu Mynediad
  • Grwpiau Tiwtoriaid Derbyn Cymru Gyfan
  • ColegauCymru
  • Grŵp Ymgynghorol MAU
  • Grwpiau Ymgysylltu â Chyflogwyr
  • Cynghorau Sgiliau Sector perthnasol e.e. Cyngor Gofal Cymru

8.3 Cyhoeddir deunyddiau ar wefan Agored Cymru, a defnyddir tudalennau MAU pwrpasol i hyrwyddo darparu a lledaenu deunyddiau canllaw. Mae logo Mynediad i AU wedi'i arddangos ar yr holl ddeunyddiau, yn unol â'r canllawiau a gyhoeddwyd gan QAA.

8.4 Mae pob Canolfan yn gyfrifol am hyrwyddo a marchnata'r Diplomâu MAU y mae wedi'i chymeradwyo i'w cynnig.

9. Canllawiau i Ganolfannau

9.1 Disgwylir i Ganolfannau gwblhau dogfennau cymeradwyo cyn cynnig y Diploma MAU hwn. Bydd y cais yn gofyn i'r Ganolfan ddarparu'r wybodaeth ganlynol:

  • Trefniadau gweinyddol
  • Lleoliadau darparu
  • Strategaethau rheoli cyrsiau cyffredinol
  • Dulliau darparu
  • Adnoddau, gan gynnwys staff
  • Canllawiau i ddysgwyr cyn y cwrs
  • Cymorth i ddysgwyr, cyngor a chanllawiau
  • Strategaethau asesu
  • Prosesau cofnodi
  • Cydnabod Dysgu Blaenorol
  • Sicrhau ansawdd mewnol, gan gynnwys dilysu mewnol, safoni, prosesau hunanasesu blynyddol
  • Cyswllt â myfyrwyr ac adborth
  • Cyswllt â Darparwyr Addysg Uwch ac adborth
  • Cynnydd

9.2 Hefyd, disgwylir i Ganolfannau gadarnhau y byddant yn cydymffurfio â meini prawf trwyddedu QAA ar gyfer Canolfannau sy’n cynnig Diplomâu MAU.

9.3 Bydd canllaw cynhwysfawr ar y cymhwyster yn cael ei lunio ar gyfer pob Diploma MAU. Bydd y ddogfen ar gael ar y wefan a bydd yn cynnwys y canlynol:

  • nodau ac amcanion
  • grwpiau targed
  • gofynion mynediad
  • ieithoedd cyflwyno
  • cynnydd
  • asesu
  • strwythur y cymhwyster
  • rheolau cyfuno
  • cydnabod dysgu blaenorol
  • cyfuniadau gwaharddedig o unedau
  • unedau
  • prosesau sicrhau ansawdd
  • trefniadau trosglwyddo credyd.

10. Rheolau Cyfuno

Total credits required within the Access to HE Diploma credit specification

Ungraded units level 2/3Graded units with academic subject contentTotal credits:

Specified credit requirements

Graded units with academic subject content - mandatory
Units from the following subject modulesCredit requirements - Level 3




Credits at L3 from any academic subject modules24
Total credits45


Ungraded units (level 2 and 3) - mandatory
UnitsCredit requirements
Level 2Level 3
Communication Skills for Access to HE 3
Delivering Oral Presentations 3
Study Skills: Thinking Skills or Academic Writing 3
Historical and Contextual Studies 3
Portfolio Preparation for Art and Design 3

Total credits


